Got my my tea (somehow, a cup of Earl Gray is a must when I'm blogging!)'s nice and we go.
I guess the biggest development since last time is the new round of "stuff" purging. I'm getting into some of the stuff that has sentimental or "coolness" value, or at least it did in the recent past. Pokemon cards, toys, books, furniture...I'm cutting deeper into what I have and shedding items that I've been reluctant to let go of.
The more stuff I let go of, the more of my old life goes with it. This evening, I was looking at photos of friends that I downloaded from Facebook. I had another FB account before, with connections to people I've known since I was a small child. Today, it was weird looking at the pictures of them. They represented a life that I've been working to move on from, and I realized today just how far I've come. I'm becoming really okay with who I am and how I've chosen to live my life. I still feel like I have to put on a bit of a show for my family, but I really only see them on birthdays, at Thanksgiving, and for Christmas. That's seven days out of the year. I can handle that. :-)
I'm still working to define myself as far as gender. The best I've come up with at this point is "genderfluid panamorous asexual." Maybe that's redundant, I don't know. I do feel the need to separate the emotional attraction from the physical, because while I am still attracted to people from all over the gender spectrum, I'm not interested in being intimate with anyone (although I'm not completely closed to the idea).
I had more to say, but it's well past midnight and my sleepy brain has forgotten what it was. Oh well, it will be the seed for another entry.