Today was the open house at the school, and one of the teachers had passed out a paper that parents were supposed to return to her, so I was kind of obligated to go. It's all good, I got to meet all the teachers and see the classrooms, and that was neat.
As I was getting ready to go, suddenly the idea of wearing a skirt absolutely repulsed me. I've been living in long gypsy skirts all summer, because they're more comfortable than trousers in the heat. I own two pairs of trousers, but the jeans are a little too small, and I'd ordered the khakis through the mail and hadn't tried them on yet. Turns out the khakis fit just fine, so I wore them with a button-down blue shirt. Fairly gender-neutral fare. It felt SO good to present as more androgynous than female. I could tell the difference in how I greeted the teachers, too - I was more confident than usual and made eye contact more easily.
I recently watched a great video by BrinConvenient, explaining how she experiences gender switches. (Fair warning: Brin's videos tend to run long, but it's all very intelligent and thoughtful.) In essence, she describes the switches as changes in which gender presentation feels the most comfortable and the least like putting on a show. I guess I would say I have the same experience. Makes it awkward when I'm in girl garb and I suddenly want to be holding doors and elevators for other women! *laughing*
Anywho, it was a good evening, and I thought I'd share. :-)