Sunday, February 19, 2012

Spring Fever

Spring is on its way, and I always get a surge of energy and motivation at this time of year. This year is no different.

What *is* different this year is how much of my old "baggage" I've cleared out of my life, both physically and mentally. I've cleared out a LOT of old stuff out of my closets and cabinets, and along with them, the negative energies attached to them from my difficult childhood. This has freed me mentally to be more of the person I really am, instead of being who I think the people around me want me to be. I even finally have the relationships with my parents that I want to have (in other words, I don't have much contact with either of them).

With all of this positive change, though, has come a lot of frustration. For all of the work I've done so far to clear out my apartment and my life, I have a lot left to do. Some of it is everyday stuff that just builds up (I'm not a very good housekeeper). But some of it is bigger stuff, special projects, or tasks that have been piling up for so long that they seem nearly impossible at this point. Eh, one thing at a time, I suppose...and at least I'm starting to take these projects on.

So for now, I'm bubbling over with enthusiasm for tackling the projects, both big and small, and as each one gets done, more of my life will be organized and purged of old, unnecessary stuff, leaving space for me to be the "real me" that I've been discovering over the last year.

I have SO much more that I could say, but I'll post again soon with some other specific topics. All for now, talk to you again soon!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Blogging about blogging

At the end of my lunch break today, I wrote about my break in a fair amount of detail. It had been a frustrating one, between not finding anything good to eat to not being able to find somewhere quiet to sit, and all the while being grumpy because I was hungry and also, it's *that* time of month.  I had intended to post it on my blog. But I didn't, because that wasn't all there was to the day, and most of the day was much better.

I know my posts are becoming longer. I feel like they're flowing more naturally from mind to keyboard. I hope they're not becoming boring! As I clean out the clutter from my apartment - and by extension, from my mind - I'm finding more to write about.

I used to use writing as a form of therapy when I was in my teens. Those were troubled years for me, and I felt like I had no one to talk to except my pen and paper. I guess I'm kind of doing the same thing here, with my blog. It's a way of working through what's going on in my head. I wouldn't consider myself troubled now; in fact, I'm quite happy with how my life has turned out, and as I work through my gender identity issues/questions, it just keeps getting better.

I've also become more of a reader than I have been in the last...well, number of years, and I've subscribed to a number of blogs through Google Reader. The topics vary from gender transitions, to photography, to Second Life fashion, to minimalism. I do enjoy keeping up on what others are doing and writing about, it was just such a chore until I figured out how to use Reader. Now I get all my new reading on one page, love it!

Sorry if this post doesn't make a lot of sense, it's past midnight and I need to get some sleep. Talk to you again soon!