Monday, March 21, 2011


Androgyny and hormones...a whole set of experiences that I'm not sure that anyone but an androgyne can truly understand.
It's "that" time of month (sorry if that's too much information - promise I'll stop right there!) and my hormones have been going bonkers. Being anatomically female, I do get the fun of once-a-month hormones gone haywire. But with the male element thrown into the mix, it turns it into something completely different than I think it probably is for someone who is fully female.
I get often get depressed at my time of month. But I don't get weepy, I don't get the urge to watch soppy movies or listen to love songs or anything like that. No, I become hateful and critical of everything. I'd rather be by myself and brood until I get the chance to beat the crap out of something. (Thank goodness for games like Second Life where I can do that without hurting anyone!) It feels more like an overdose of testosterone than a female hormone.
I know, some women become Queen "B" when Aunt Flo's on her way. But do they get the urge to blow stuff up or beat things to a pulp? I really don't know, I don't think I've ever had a "normal" case of PMS.
Anyone who would like to weigh in and tell me what non-androgyne women experience, I'd love to hear it in a comment.

1 comment:

  1. Hay you! I just clicked on your profile and saw that you had a blog too so I wanted to pay my respects. Falling along the MTF spectrum I of course don't share your. . . issues.

    It amazes me that some transgender girls will actually cycle progesterone in order to simulate the mood swings associated with having a period. As much as I want my body to be female that's one thing I'm grateful that I don't have to experience.

    My wife hates her period so much that she is considering talking to her Dr. about having a voluntary hysterometry. She's currently on the ring but she doesn't go off it for the normal one week period per month. (Same as they normally do for the pill.)

    She still get's mild cramping and bleeding, but it's not nearly as bad as without it. Uh, she also recommends drinking lot's of wine when the cramping starts, but I can't vouch for that. =P

    Cool that you're into SecondLife. I signed up last week to check it out but I was so lost I gave up. As a certified nerd, I was embarrassed.
